all inclusive

Grow your visibility, boost client retention and acquisition, and step into your spotlight as a recognized authority with your signature book.


Write, edit, publish, and promote your signature book

Boost authority and credibility and be recognized as a thought leader in your space

Leverage your book for lead generation and client acquisition

Grow your income (hello, higher consulting and speaking fees!)

Increase visibility with a podcast, speaking and media opportunities, and become a bestselling author

Build lasting legacy and impact

THIS is the only program you will need to:

as featured in



Attorneys and Wealth Experts know how vital it is to build a strong personal brand that resonates with your target audience and you know a book can be that differentiator for you.

You've already invested so much time, energy, and money into your business and now publishing a book sounds like it may be a full time job. It’s unclear where to even begin.
And what is required to not only publish but to also make your book a success and give you the ROI you desire?

We will collaboratively create a bespoke marketing and publishing plan tailored specifically to your book and goals, ensuring that your unique voice is heard and your book shines in the crowded market.

Our proven signature system ensures you will publish a top-notch book you can be proud of, and you’ll have a plan to sell books and get real, top reviews. But it’s not just about selling books–it's about building a brand and creating revenue streams, including speaking engagements, workshops, and consulting opportunities.

Not a writer? We have a roster of vetted ghostwriters to help you create a book that is a game changer for your brand.

We have worked with dozens of experts who have become industry authorities, significantly boosting their visibility, credibility, and career opportunities.

What makes the difference for your book’s success is have a customized publishing and marketing strategy to set you apart from your competition, even in a saturated marketplace. We help you seamlessly fit book promotion into your existing business marketing.

Generate More Leads.
Grow Your Business.

Your signature book has the potential to make a big impact in your business and the world. But if you don't know how to write and publish it with the end in mind (creating brand awareness, building your authority and credibility, getting new clients), it can feel so overwhelming...

So where do you start?

Right here! I’ve helped hundreds of authors, just like you, develop a successful book strategy and get peace of mind, knowing they have a trusted way to attract their ideal readers and clients.

My unique combination of entrepreneurship, award-winning journalism, and PR experience gives me a 360º view of what it takes to promote your book effectively. I’ve been a guest on more than 50 podcasts, spoken on dozens of stages, and published books (including this one!)

I can’t wait to meet with you to discuss your book idea and how we can bring it to life and so much more!


Hi! I’m Melanie

the convenience of a one-stop shop

you get 

Enjoy the ease of having one reliable and attentive partnership for the entire publishing and promotion journey.

With our track record of successful book launches and our insider knowledge and strategies, you won’t have to hire multiple consultants (for multiple six figures) to bring your book to life.

Our mission is to provide continued guidance, feedback, and reassurance, along with timelines, and expectations so you feel supported and on track throughout the publishing and promotion process.

Join us to not just publish and promote a book, but to transform yourself into a recognized authority in your field, making a lasting impact with your words and ideas.

All this is possible for you when you publish your signature book.



client appreciation

Find some of the most commonly asked questions about our  services.  Can't find what you're looking for?  Contact us.

Got Questions? Find Answers Here...

WHy should I write a book now?

Writing a book establishes you as a thought leader in your field, differentiates you from competitors, and offers a unique marketing advantage. It's a timeless asset that can continually attract new clients and opportunities.

what is the process to write, publish, & promote a book?

It is a 7-Step process:

Step 1: Outlining and writing (either yourself or with a ghostwriter)

Step 2: Editing (for content, grammar, and spelling)

Step 3: Cover design and interior design

Step 4: Publishing

Step 5: Book launch and Amazon Bestseller Campaign

Step 6: Long-term marketing plan

Step 7: Podcast guesting and media opportunities

At each stage, we will be hands-on to ensure careful planning and execution, with an emphasis on quality content and reaching your ideal audience.

what is the scope of your services?

We will take you from idea through publishing and promotion of your book. Our services include:

Book Coaching: We can help you outline your book, and keep you accountable as you write.

Editing: Our team will edit your manuscript for content, grammar and spelling.

Book Design: Our team will design a cover and the interior formatting of your book.

Publishing: We guide you through the publishing process and publish your book on Amazon KDP and IngramSpark.

Book Marketing: We will design a book launch and long-term marketing strategy for you. This includes an audit of what you have in place and creating a repeatable plan to continue growing your business with your book. We will provide social media graphics for your book. We will run an Amazon Bestseller Campaign for your book. Your team will also have access our private membership site that will guide them on developing your book’s marketing foundation.

Podcasting & PR: We will develop a podcast onesheet and pitch letter for you and teach your team how to pitch you for new opportunities. We will create a press release and disseminate it to the media.

how involved is the process - How long does it take to publish?

While times can vary, we expect the process to take 12 months. Depending on the complexity of the book and the time you can dedicate to writing it, your book could be published in as little as 6 months, with another 6 months dedicated to the promotional pieces.

who writes the book if I don't want to/have time to?

Ghostwriters can be employed to write the book based on your insights, experiences, and guidance. This allows you to produce a professional-quality book without having to dedicate extensive time to writing. This is an additional investment.

how would I get ROI from my book?

The return on investment can be seen over time, not just in direct book sales but also in enhanced professional opportunities, increased client engagement, and elevated brand recognition. The timeline varies based on how effectively the book and its promotions are leveraged.

why should I publish my book with VIP?

Working with us brings the advantage of specialized expertise in both publishing and marketing industries, ensuring that your book project is not only professionally executed but also aligned with ethical standards and market needs.

What makes our company different is that we specialize in all-in-one publishing and promotion. Our approach is tailored specifically for professionals, focusing on ethical considerations, effective storytelling, and leveraging your expertise to enhance professional and business growth. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities in your industry and offer personalized support and accountability throughout the entire process to fasttrack your book across the finish line.

what guarantees do you make?

We focus on quality, adherence to timelines, and targeted marketing effort. We guarantee that your marketing strategies will be tailored to your niche. While specific outcomes can't be guaranteed due to the subjective nature of book publishing and marketing, your well-executed book project can significantly boost your professional profile, attract new clients, and open up new speaking and consulting opportunities.

Imagine the fresh, crisp scent of newly printed books and with your name on the cover.

The sound of enthusiastic applause during book readings and speaking engagements as you feel a deep sense of accomplishment and pride in seeing your book in readers' hands.

There’s such thrill (and a confidence boost) in getting the recognition and respect from peers and industry leaders when you step into your spotlight as a recognized authority in your field.